Today we talk about how to fast mobile internet speed 2021 If the internet runs slowly on mobile, then do this work, it will run faster than a rocket. Yes, once again, all of you are very welcome to the blog section of Friends itsupport, My name is RJ Friends, in this blog of today, I am going to tell you one way to tell about an app that is downloaded After doing this, if the internet runs slowly in mobile very easily, then do this work even faster than the rocket.
How this application works: – Now a question must be arising in the minds of many of you how this application works. So friends, after installing this application, if the internet runs slowly on mobile very easily, then do this work, it will start running faster than the rocket. Whoever will see you will ask you, brother, what is this app, please tell me also.
How to fast mobile internet speed 2021 Follow these steps:
Step 1. So first we have to go to the home screen of the mobile and click on PLAY STORE.
Step 2. Now PLAY STORE has opened in front of you and now you have to type Faster Internet in the search engine bar and enter it.
Step 3. Now that application has been opened in front of you, there is a very low MB application, it is only 5.7 MB application, friends, you can download it and install it and then open it. Before downloading here, you can see that a total of 500 Thousand people have downloaded this application. Friends, by watching its download, you can guess how popular this application is. And talk about it, we have a rating of 4.5, its friends and below we get some interfaces, which is also very good looking. And if we talk about the comment then there are a lot of good comments.
Step 4. Friends, when this application is downloaded to your phone properly and installed completely, you can open it by clicking on Open. After opening, you have to click on agree, after that, you put this app on the mobile of any person who wants to have very fast internet on mobile.
Step 5. After that, you will run very fast internet very easily.